On-Line Shopping Tips Whenever the following icons,
appear on the site, the associated item is available for purchase from Amazon UK's on-line catalog. Simply click on the icon to inspect the corresponding page in the catalog. If, after this, you still wish to go ahead and purchase the item, click on: At this point you may complete the ordering process by clicking on: Note: If you wish to order more than one recording or book, don't
proceed to checkout just yet. The best way to order another item is to close the
Amazon window (Windows users click the button in the upper RH corner of the
Amazon window As you continue shopping, you will notice that your shopping basket remembers your
previous choices. You may remove any item by clicking on the Your shopping basket will remain intact for several hours, long enough for you to continue shopping without worry about losing your order. |
If after returning to The Telegoons site you decide that your wallet has
suffered enough already, and you would like to take your shopping basket straight to the
Amazon checkout, one way is to click on this logo:
(Note: An alternative method for getting back to the Amazon catalog is to add a dummy item to your shopping basket and then delete it before proceeding to the checkout.) After the Amazon UK home page loads, click the shopping basket icon at the top of the screen, and follow the instructions. |
You may return to The Telegoons by closing this window. |